Engineers are Problem-Solvers
A. James Clark never forgot that his business success began with an engineering scholarship. As his company grew, so did his dedication to fostering the growth and development of tomorrow’s engineering leaders. Today, our Foundation continues Mr. Clark’s legacy of investing in engineering scholarship through support of engineering education at several colleges and universities. From expanding access to students who could not otherwise afford a world-class engineering degree, to improving facilities and recruiting the best faculty, we invest to ensure that tomorrow’s engineers are equipped to solve society’s toughest problems.
A. James Clark Scholars
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University of Maryland
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Engineering Pipeline
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A. James Clark Scholars
As part of our dedication to the engineers of the future, the Foundation established the A. James Clark Scholars Program. The Clark Scholars Program has been implemented at eleven of the nation’s top engineering institutions, financially supporting students of need who exhibit strong academic and leadership potential.
Investments to Date

committed to 11 Clark Scholar universities
Scholars enrolled in fall 2024
Building Together: An Investment for Maryland
The A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation’s $219.5 million investment is the largest in University of Maryland history and ranks among the largest to a public research institution in the 21st century.
This transformative investment will propel UMD and the A. James Clark School of Engineering to the forefront of education and research worldwide by funding an array of scholarships and fellowships, professorships, and operational and capital projects.
This investment will increase college access and affordability, spark innovations that tackle the daunting problems facing the nation and the world, and inspire the next generation of engineering leaders.
Investments to Date

invested in the University of Maryland
undergraduate and graduate students supported through scholarships
invested in the Clark School of Engineering
Our investments in scholarships, facilities and faculty are helping to bolster the sustainable growth of the Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland.
leveraged for the Maryland Promise Program
Our $25,000,000 commitment has helped the University of Maryland to secure new funding for need-based scholarships.
Engineering Pathways
We believe lack of financial means should not stop anyone from pursuing an engineering degree. Our investments in scholarships, STEM, and other academic programs ensure that students are ready to study engineering at the university level.
Investments to Date

invested in college scholarships and programs supporting students underrepresented in engineering education
Engineering Grantee News
Introducing the Clark Scholars Program Network
The University of Maryland today announced that its A. James Clark School of Engineering will become the permanent home of a multi-university program that provides holistic support to exceptionally talented students with financial need, thanks to a $20.6 million investment from the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation.

Thurgood Marshall College Fund to Host MetaScholars at The Pitch 2022
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), with support from the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation, announced today the newly-formed MetaScholars program.

$15.5 Million Endowment Created For Engineering Scholarship Program
Penn State announced its largest university match to a private philanthropic gift Monday, partnering with the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation to provide a $15.5 million scholarship endowment program for engineering students. Penn State matched an intial donation from the Clark Foundation by adding $10 million to the endowment.

Clark Foundation Celebrates Next Generation of Innovators; Class of 2022 Graduating Clark Scholars
“It’s such an honor to see these graduating Clark Scholars carry on my father’s legacy,” said Courtney Clark Pastrick, Board Chair of the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation.

National Institute For Student Success Receives $1.7 Million Grant from A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation
ATLANTA–Georgia State University’s National Institute for Student Success (NISS) has received a $1.7 million investment from the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation to assist universities around the country in starting programs to continue to close achievement gaps and help more students earn a college degree.

N.C. A&T engineering school receives $1M donation from Clark Foundation
The College of Engineering at North Carolina A&T University’ has received a $1 million investment from the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation.

Featured Grantee
University of Maryland Clark Doctoral Fellows
When Raquel Hakes Weston-Dawkes was considering doctoral programs, she knew one thing for certain: “I wanted to study wildfires,” she says now, having earned her Ph.D. in engineering. For many doctoral candidates, however, the subjects they most want to pursue and the availability of funding to support their education do not always line up. Too […]

The EngineerGirl Ambassadors program, launched by the National Academy of Engineering on International Women’s Day 2018, invites high school girls with an interest in and understanding of engineering to share their talents with younger girls in their community. Sophie, a high school student from Pasadena, CA, was chosen as an EngineerGirl Ambassador in the 2019 […]